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A Part of Something Bigger

Wow, I cannot believe that I have already been here for 6 months! It feels like I just got here. When I look back on everything that has happened since I arrived and all that God has done at Northplace Church, I am in awe and so humbled that I get to be a part of this. In the past three months, so much has happened and I have seen some amazing growth and transformation take place in our church. It would take a lot more than this newsletter to share everything, but I want to share some of the big things that have happened.


In May we had our first baptisms at Northplace Church. This was a huge moment for us as a church and for all of the people who had come to Christ since we launched in February. We did our baptisms a little different than some of you may be used to. While everyone was being baptized, we were leading worship. If you haven't experienced baptism this way before, it's hard to describe. Getting to watch someone declare their faith in God and become transformed while we all worshipped together was so awesome. We baptized 42 people! The person in the picture above is Keenan, one of our youth kids. Watching him grow spiritually has been so exciting.


In the month of June, we did a series called "This Is Us" that covered the foundations of Northplace Church. Probably the best part about this series was that we got all of these amazing pictures of our church family that formed this diverse collage. As part of our social media outreach that month, we collected quotes from different regular attenders about what Northplace meant to them. Here is one from my friend Ari, who serves on the AV team, and one from my friend Kirshen, who serves on both the AV and Worship teams.

"I love Northplace Church because it feels like family. Before the church was launched we went to one of the small group sessions. When we left, both my husband and I said 'We have to go back!' And we have never looked back. We felt welcomed and accepted. The people we have met are so genuine, so loving, so caring... it bursts out of their bodies. You sense it every time you come to service. You always leave with your cup full! I fell such a deep connection, worship often makes me cry, the preaching is amazing, you always learn something new and you feel a part of something bigger, much bigger." -Ari

"I visited Northplace at the suggestion of a friend. I had no intention beyond that, just a visitation. Then I came, heard the Word and thought to myself, 'Wow, that hit me in places I don't remember having.' I just had to get more. So I came for some of the pre-launch Bible study sessions. I got to learn more about the church, its mission statement, and the people involved with it. Their passion and desire to see Jesus preached to the world was contagious to say the least. Even when I went home, my heart stayed with the people of Northplace. I couldn't help wanting to be around more. I prayed about it and my answer came. I knew Northplace was the church for me. All of it- the Word, the people involved. They create a sense of family, of community, the kind of which I have seen written in the book of Acts. Now here it was made manifest. Looking back at it, I don't think it's a case of why I chose Northplace but more so that God chose the best possible home and family that he could give me." -Kirshen

These words aren't to make us feel good or to show off what we're doing, but to celebrate what God is doing! How can we read these words and not know that God is totally and completely in this? I love Northplace Church family so much. It really does feel like home. Know that your support and prayers are absolutely a huge part of what is happening here everyday! If you want to read more of what our church family has to say about Northplace Church, just go to our Facebook page and search #ThisIsUs


About two months ago we kicked off youth worship. This was a huge step for the youth group to grow more spiritually. To start it all off, I got to share a message with the youth group about the importance of worship and why we worship no matter what the situation looks like. I am so glad that they are getting to learn how to worship God through music. I've been helping with practices, but the team is all members of the youth group, which is so great!

This month we've been talking about sexual purity, which is always an important topic for youth, but our kids have been very open and we've been able to speak some important Biblical truths into their lives.

Our group continues to grow each week and our kids are becoming true leaders.


I wanted to give some general updates on what's been going on with the church and ask for prayer in a few specific areas.

  • Permanent Location: We are very close to being able to sign on a lease for a building, but there are a few financial hurdles to overcome before we can move forward. This building would be an awesome space and is in a prime location.

  • New Team Members: Our team is still not all on the field. One of our team members, Robbey, is beginning the visa application process this week, but because of new legal changes in South Africa, it may become a lengthy process.

  • Praise Report: A couple from our team that is currently fund-raising was just provided with a new job after being laid-off

  • Groups: We launched our first round of groups last week! Would you join me in praying that these groups would help our church to grow not only in numbers, but into deeper relationships with one another and with God?

  • Worship: I am asking for prayers for guidance and wisdom in leading the worship team. I want make sure I have the right focus and make the best decisions for the future of Northplace Church.

Finally, I just want to say thank you again for everything that each of you do to help me and Northplace Church, whether it's through prayer or financial support. I cannot believe that I get to be a part of this every day and I am so thankful. Know that God is using each of you in such an incredible way to reach the people in the city of Durban. Just like Ari said about Northplace Church, you are a part of something bigger, much bigger.

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